JoJo Hailey’s Daughter Kayla Tiffany Is The First Artist To Release Under His Label JT Entertainment With New Single “Therapy”
June 15, 2020 - R&B legend JoJo Hailey took his daughter Kayla Tiffany under his musical wing at a very young age. Recording music together and singing songs throughout the house, JoJo always knew that Kayla would grow up to form a pure, undoubtable talent. Today, she will be the first to follow JoJo’s solo release under his label JT Entertainment with her dynamic single “Therapy”. Every relationship faces its challenges and “Therapy” confronts those head on with lines like “I’m about two seconds from walking out // Figured may as well throw in the towel. But I know that’s not what love is about // Plus I promised I would hold you down.” Each argument looks like a flashback and she wants to put communication first so that history stops repeating itself.
“Therapy basically sums up the ugly part of a relationship that nobody likes to talk about but we all know it’s present.” - Kayla Tiffany
The song is literal therapy; her fresh vocal delivery and strong storytelling skills captivate listeners right out of the gate. Clearly made for the camera, she brings us on a journey with her man, displaying the ups and downs until eventually *spoiler alert* she closes the door on what once made her happy so that she can find new happiness in her future. The symbolism of the door at the beginning and at the end performs as bookends to a chapter in her life that allowed her to learn about herself by experiencing the challenges of what was once a loving relationship.
Born in NYC, Kayla spent most of her years growing up in Charlotte, NC. Now 28 years old with a four year old baby boy, her time is spent split between her two passions; family and music. And the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree; she comes from a long line of talented musicians who have served as inspirations for what she’s building today. As she says, she was ‘destined to fall in their footsteps’ and to use her platform to inspire others to create. Kayla hopes to be the role model for her son that JoJo was to her growing up. Inspired by artists like Aaliyah, Beyonce and Chris Brown, her style feels classic yet new and fresh, with an impressive lyrical delivery and vocal range. JoJo Hailey plans to continue to put family first through his label JT Entertainment, with regular new releases by his talented family; an exciting push toward longevity for the Hailey family.
JoJo Hailey and Kayla Tiffany - In The Studio