Oakland Band Copyslut Releases A Powerful Adaptation Of “Santa Baby” For The International Day To End Violence Against Sex Workers.
Watch the Official Video Here
Art by: Reiko Rasch
Dynamic cabaret-rock band Copyslut invites you into a stripped down acoustic and intimate gathering with their live recording and video rendition of the classic holiday hit “Santa Baby.” It will be released on December 17th, the 16th annual International Day To End Violence Against Sex Workers. Copyslut and a small group of friends and allies come together to make a uniquely captivating holiday video, as a way to celebrate and honor the lives of the sex workers who have died over the past year. Proceeds from the video and live recording will be donated to SWOP USA, the organization who put in hours of labor, research, love and tears into collecting and distributing the names of the deceased. The Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers was first recognized in 2003 as a memorial and vigil for the victims of the Green River Killer in Seattle Washington. Since 2003, Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers has empowered people from cities around the world to come together to bring awareness to the dangers of stigma, to heal, and to memorialize the sex workers who have died.
The video brings a special light to the lyrics of Eartha Kitt’s “Santa Baby” (1950’s) with their beautiful rendition. Making it a sweet, slightly campy, and deeply sincere rendition that’s iconic to Copyslut’s powerful production style. The lead singer Chatz of Love’s vocals blends seamlessly with lead guitarist Ray Zamora’s heartfelt rhythms on their acoustic Martin JC-16. Chatz’s sensuous vocal delivery invites listeners into a cozy slumber-party atmosphere complete with friends, cocktails, footie pajamas and pole dancing. Following the song, the video takes on a reverent tone; here, the participants’ voices coalesce into one narrative explaining what inspired the project and the intention behind the video. Introducing words like ‘smad’ which is a combination of ‘sad’ and ‘mad’, the narration brings attention to the direct link between violence against their community and the increase of censorship and removal of online tools and platforms.
They then lead viewers into a ritual, inviting a pause to light a candle and read along as they present the names of the deceased. The transition is an emotional one, as the names of the deceased are slowly displayed across the screen. Copyslut offers a glimpse into the gravity of the loss; inviting watchers and listeners into an embracing space of love, reflection, and connection. Copyslut’s D17 Holiday Special is not only an alternative to going out and attending events it is also perfectly timed with the increasing conversation about the decriminalization of sex workers. You can join with sex workers around the world and stand against criminalization and violence committed against their communities by visiting https://december17.swopusa.org
Screenshot from Copyslut’s D17 Holiday Special